John Sothoron (of Richard)

** Land Records - Maryland

“Came Richard Southerne of Calvert County and proved rights to two hundred acres of land for transporting himself, Ann his wife, John & Elizabeth his children into the province to inhabitate.” (Patents 1500:400, Calvert Co., Recorded 1677.04.19)

Joshua Marshall of Prince George's Co planter sells to John Sothoron Charles Co. planter for £52.10 the northern half of Two Friends, formerly in St. Mary's Co and now in Charles Co., 525 acres. Witness: Phillip Hoskins, John Hanson, Robert Yates (15(Q#1):89, Charles Co.,1696.06.09, Recorded 1696.06.09) (NOTE: Document includes metes & bounds, not abstracted here.)

Certification & patent of John Southern of Charles Co. for Long Yorkshire, 134 acres, rights to which were assigned by Luke Gardiner out of his original warrant for 2,000 acres granted 7 Apr 1705. Starts at bounded white oak on east side of Spring branch of Indian Creek, extending to Poplar branch. Attest Luke Gardiner, Deputy Surveyor. Surveyed 6 Oct 1705. In Chaptico Manor. (Patents CD#4:295, St. Mary’s Co., 1705.04.07)

Certification of John Southern of Charles Co. for Sothorons Delight, 179 acres. Luke Gardiner assigns to him 79 acres out of his original 1,000 acre grant. John Southern of Charles Co. has warrant for 100 acres dated 29 Sep last. "Cert 179a". Corners at bounded white oak next to Piles fresh. In Calverton Manor. Patented 10 Oct 1707, Patents PL#2:203. (Patents DD#5:459, Charles Co., 1705.10.02)

Certification of John Sothoron for Double Discovery, 150 acres on west side of Poplar branch, coming off Cole Spring branch, off main north branch of Trent Creek, abutting tracts called Indian Creek & Long Yorkshire. Rights assigned to Luke Gardiner of St. Mary’s Co., being a warrant for a like quantity granted 15 August 1705. Test: John Creycroft. Patent surrendered by Gardiner, vacated upon record. (Patents CD:296, St. Mary’s Co., 1705.10.12)

Patent of John Southern for Sothorons Delight. Certified 2 October 1705, Patents DD (Patents PL#2:203, Charles Co., 1707.10.10)

In consideration of former bargain for sale of tract from Joshua Marshall of Prince George’s Co. Co. to John Sothoron for £52.10 already paid, William Marshall of Queen Anne's Co planter conveys the upper half of The Two Friends to Benjamin Sothoron of Charles Co., Gent, heir to John Sothoron. Begins at bounded poplar on north side of a run which empties into main fresh from Piles' run, extending to that run, 522 acres. Signed by John Marshall & Rebekah Marshall. Witnesses: George Dent, John Mactyre. Received of Mrs Mary Rose on behalf of Benjamin Sothoron the sum of 5 shillings 4 pence for recordation. (Prerog Court Land Rec 27{F#2}:16, Charles Co., MD, 1714.03.29, Recorded 1714.07.08)

** St. Mary’s County Rent Rolls of 1707 :62/3 (Published in Chronicles of St. Mary’s 25:12)

Charles's Lott & Truman's Lott , surveyed 5 March 1670, patented 40 acres for Thomas Trueman, on the Bra: of Trent Creek west of Crackburn, possessed by John Southorn.

Littleworth, surveyed 28 July 1679, patented 25 acres for Richard Southern, in the Bra: of Trent Creek, possessed by John Southern.

Southern's Hills, surveyed 28 July 1679, patented 50 acres for Richard Southern, on the main N. Bra: of Trent Creek, possessed by John Southern.

Southern's Desire, surveyed 28 Dec1680, patented 125 acres for Richard Southern, at the head of Wolf Pit Neck at the head of Indian Creek, possessed by John Southern.

Patent of John Johnson Sothoron for Brotherhood, 220 acres. Surveyed 2 April 1727 for Samuel Sothoron. John & Samuel Southoron of St. Mary’s Co. previously had laid out & surveyed 220 acres by virtue of assignment from William Joseph of Prince George's Co., being part of a warrant for 2,000 acres granted Joseph 26 March 1707. Samuel died, became sole right of John, who also since died, and whose eldest son John Johnson Southoron now enters claim. Abuts his property Southorons Delight. Extends to Spanish branch which falls into main branch of Indian Creek. Certified Patents AM#1:360 (not checked). ? Patented to Henry Greenfield Sothoron, 16 Jul 1733 (Patents PL#8:812, St. Mary’s Co., 1733.07.16)

** Legacy Issues

A list of Bonds for 1702 includes Richard Southoron, administrated by Jno. Southoron, securetys Jacob Moreland & Henry Jowles, in the amount of £200. (Test Proc 19#A:102, St. Mary’s Co., 1702.08.03)

The account of John Southeron, administrator for his dead father, Capt. Richard Southeron. Notes payment to Mr. Thomas Crubb, factor to Mr. Deter Dagon & Company of London, merchants. Personal property £106.5.10. (Accts 24:167, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1703.10.07)

Account of John Southoron, administrator for Capt. Richard Sothoron. Same as Accounts 24:167. (Wills HH#1:118, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1703.10.07)

Account of Richard Southerne, submitted by John Southoron his administrator, appraised at £106.15.10, payments of £118.02.06. (Test Proc 20:8, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1703.10)

** Public Service - Maryland

    To Sr Charles Hedges Knt               J. Lowther

        Judge of the High Court              H. Priestman

           of Admirality                            Robert Amten

                                                           Ro. Rich

         By Comd of the Comrs

              J. Sotherne

         ffor Coll Nicholson Governor of Maryland, There

                                  Admty Office 19th March 1693/4


      The Rt Honoble Comrs of the Admty Comand me to acquaint you that they desire to speake to you here this Evening about 6 of the Clock, I am


                                      your most honorable Servant,

                                             J. Sotherne   (Arch Md 20:101 {Council Proceedings HD:20}, 1694.03.19)

** Provincial Court Judgments (Jury Duty) - Maryland

John Sotherne a juror, finding Judith Butterworth of Dorchester Co. not guilty of killing her own infant son. (9(TB#2):84, St. Mary’s Co., 1705.09)

John Southerne a juror, finding Negro slave Tom of John Taylor late St. Mary’s Co. guilty of felonious assault & carnal knowledge against 13 year old Sarah Murfe of St. Mary’s Co., sentenced to hang. (9(TB#2):86, St. Mary’s Co., 1705.10.04)

John Southerne a juror, finding Thomas Fowler guilty of Trespass & Ejectment. (9 (TB#2):181, St. Mary’s Co., 1706.04.08)

John Sothorn a juror, finding Samuele Sak Conore guilty of Trespass & Ejectment. (9(TB#2):248, St. Mary’s Co., 1706.09.25)

John Southerne a juror, finding for the defendant in a felony case. (10(PL#1):263, 1707.09.28)

Jno Southerne a juror in Co. Court. (11 (PL#2):114, Anne Arundel Co.,1708.04.06)

** Legal Action

The account of Barton Smoot executor of Thomas Smoot Sheriff late of Charles Co.. Notes a debt of the Widow Sothoron of 223 pounds of tobacco, and credit to John Sothoron of 12 pounds of tobacco. Tobacco valued at 1 penny per pound. Enormous list of creditors, debtors (Admin Accts {Back of Book} AE#6:63, Charles Co., Recorded 1706.11.22)

** Actions as witness, surety or appraiser (Maryland)

Returns from Charles Co.: include Thomas Hutchynson's estate appraised by Jacob Moreland & Jno. Sothoron, ordered to be recorded. (Test Proc 17:297, Charles Co., 1699.5)

Will of John Stanley, gentleman, of Prince George’s Co.. To cousin John Edwards & to Henry Jowles, Sybill Jowles Sr, Sybill Jowles Jr, Dr. Zachariah Allein & Alice Howard, personality. Lt. Col. Jacob Morland to receive residue of the estate and serve as executor jointly with Henry Jowles. Test: Gabriel Burnham, Hester Baxter, Ubgatt Reeves, John Sothoron. (Baldwin 3:75 {Wills 12:19}, Prince George’s Co., 1703.03.09, Proved 1705.08.03)

Mary Rose, widow of John Rose, bonded in the estate of her late husband, with Samuel Williamson & John Sothoron as sureties. (Test Proc 21:246, 1710.04.13, Recorded 1710.04.13)

** Personal Estate - MD

Will of John Southorn of Charles Co. , notes his physical illness. To son John Johnson Southorn, a silver headed cane and new suit; and land bought from Edward Barber by John Johnson, father of wife; also Long Yorkshire, 135 acres. To son Samuel, two tracts in St. Mary's Co " my old plantation stands on with my mill..." To son Richard, Southorns Desire. To son Charles, Southorns Hills (50 acres). To daughter Ann, lease of parts of Chaptico Manor St. Mary's Co, formerly the plantation of Edward Tedman; and jointly with daughter Mary, Southorns Delight (170 acres) after taking out the 50 acres sold to John Poting. To wife, Mary, personal estate including dwelling plantation (part of Two Friends), to pass to youngest son Benjamin at her death. Personal items to be given to children when they come of age, the sons at 17 years. Test: Thomas Hunt, John Cartwright, Thos. Cooksey, John Gates. (Wills 13:402, St. Mary’s Co., 1711/2.03.18, Proved 1712.05.01)

Will of John Sothoron - identical to Wills 13:402 (St. Mary’s Co.). (Wills AB#3:44, Charles Co., 1711/2.03.08, Proved 1712.05.01)

Proceedings exhibited from Charles Co. John Sothorn's will, Mary Sothoron executrix, her Testamentary Bond in common forme with Thomas Hunt & John Gates her sureties in £300. (Test Proc 22:119, Charles Co., 1711/2.01.05, Recorded 1712.06.23)

Inventory of John Southeron. Includes 3 slaves, 55 cattle, 26 sheep, 30 hogs, 10 horses, 4 feather beds, pistols, parcell of books, silver & copper. Appraised by Samuel Williamson & John Dent, £232.1.6 (Inv 36#B:140, St. Mary’s Co., 1712.05.01, Recorded 1712.05.17)

List of proceedings exhibited from St. Mary's Co. includes inventory of John Southern. (Test Proc 22:154, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1712.10)

List of proceedings exhibited from Charles Co. includes inventory of John Southern. (Test Proc 22:155, Charles Co., Recorded 1712.10)

John Seagar & Margaret uxor, Exr. Samuel Sothoron versus John Burch & Elizabeth uxor, Exr. John Sothoron

- Charged with Trespass upon the Case. John Sothoron in his lifetime was indebted to Samuel in the sum of £7.10, not yet paid. Prays for payment plus damages. Remanded to trial. Identifies the wives as widows and executrixes of the noted Sothorons. (Charles Co. Court Records 29(I#2):44, Recorded 1717)

** Miscellaneous

Amy Ford, born say 1698, was the servant of John Southern on 12 November 1706 when the Charles County court presented her for having an illegitimate "Molatto" child [Court Record 1704-10, 273].  (* - "1658-1758 Charles County MD Families.")

In the index of Ancestors: "John Southerne, John of Maryland. Born in England 1660. Died in Maryland 1712. Resided in Maryland 1677-1712. Commissioner of the Admirality of St. Mary’s Co., Md." (The Colonial Dames of America in the State of Virginia-History & Register, 1892-1930. : 520)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.